Chloe's Blog

Friday, December 30, 2005

6 months old!

I am six months old. It's been a big week for me! First Santa came, and then my grandparents came. I am having so much fun chatting with my Grannie and listening to my Grandpa make funny noises! We've been going for walks, and playing with my toys. Grannie even helped Mommy to pick out a new toy box for me.

Yesterday, I had my six month visit with my doctor. I am in the 80% for weight, and the 90% for height. Then, today, we went to see the allergist. We found out that I am very allergic to milk, which we already new. The good news is that I am not allergic to soy, wheat, peanuts, egg, rice, avacado or banana. I am so excited to start trying new things. Especially since I have a really nice new high chair, and so far, I have only been able to sit in it and watch other people eat! That is really not fair.

I also had my first cold this week. My ears and nose are stuffy. I really don't understand one thing though -- does anyone know why they call it a cold when it makes you feel hot?

Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas

Yesterday was my first Christmas. We had fun! Mommy and Daddy and I slept in, and then they brought me downstairs. Guess what? During the night, Santa came for a visit and filled my stocking with presents! I am not sure how Santa got in the house. Mommy says he came down the chimney. All I know is that he was prepared. He gave Maverick a big red bone - I think that's why he didn't bark and wake us all up!

Here I am getting my first look at my stocking. Oh my goodness...Santa brought me a new stuffed bunny that is just perfect to chew on. I really like his ears. Mommy and Daddy said I couldnt open the presents just yet thought. First, we had to go say hello to my friend Liam. Then, we went and picked up my Grannie Carolyn and my Zedar (Grandpa) at the airport. It is so good to see them! Once we got home, and I took a nap, it was finally time to open presents! I got a CD of lullibies, a learning table, some new chew toys, some books, and of course, my little bunny fu fu.

After that, everyone had dinner, and then it was time for me to go to bed.

It was a great first Christmas!

Now I get to hang out with my Mommy, Daddy and grandparents for a whole week!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

My first ambulance ride

Yesterday was a scary day for me. It started out nice, because it was a snow day, so Daddy got to stay home from work.

But then, Mommy and Daddy gave me my first taste of formula, and within a few minutes, I started feeling very sick. I vomited, broke out into hives and had trouble breathing. Mommy called 9-1-1. Mommy was pretty shaken up, so I decided to calm down and try to feel better. The ambulance and fire truck came pretty quickly, and by the time they got here, I was already feeling a little better and breathing a little easier. But, they still took me in the ambulance. They were really nice. When we got to the hospital, Daddy met us there, and gave me a big smile. I was happy Mommy and Daddy were there holding my hands.

The doctor and nurses were very nice, even though they kept poking me. It turns out that I had an anaphylactic reation to the dairy in the formula. Mommy found out the hard way that I am very allergic to milk. Now we have to go to more doctors appointments to see what else I am allergic too. Hopefully not too much.

Anyway, I am OK today, and Daddy says that's all that matters.

Thursday, December 15, 2005


Mommy took me to the mall today for more Christmas shopping. She was frustrated because she couldn't find anything that she was looking for. She also didn't like that it was crowded. She said that she wonders what all those people were doing at the mall in the middle of the afternoon on a weekday. Don't they have jobs?

Anyway, we were walking down the mall (well, mom was walking, I was riding in stroller), and guess who we saw? Santa Claus!!!! Mom said we should go see him while we had the chance, because Daddy wasn't real excited about talking to him. Actually, Daddy thinks there is something creepy about a guy who wants kids to sit on his lap all day.

But he must not be too creepy, because there were lots of kids waiting to talk to him. Mommy and I waited in line, and Mrs Claus came and shook her sleigh bells for me. I thought that was funny. Then it was my turn. Mommy handed me over to Santa, and I started rubbing my hand on his soft suit. He asked me what I wanted to Christmas. I just stared at him, but really I was just thinking that I want a suit just like his to rub my face and hands on. I love soft things.

Then, the lady started flashing this funny disco ball light thing at me. She thought it might make me smile. All it did was make me stare. My mommy tickled my tummy and then they took this picture. I think I look pretty good!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

I am my mother's child.

Yesterday, we had a holiday party. There were about 40 people here, including a lot of my friends from the neighborhood, and a lot of Mommy's and Daddy's friends. It was loud. Very loud. At first I liked it. I dressed up in my pretty red dress, and showed everyone how I can sit and play. But as more and more people got here, and it got louder and louder, I didn't really like it. Lots of people were looking at me and touching my pretty shoes. I cried. Then, Mommy turned me to face her and the wall. I smiled and laughed. Mommy turned me around and I saw the people. I cried. Mommy turned me around to look at the wall. I smiled and laughed. She tried turning around again. I cried again. hmph.

It reminded me of a story that Uncle Al told me about my mom when he visited a couple weeks ago. Uncle Al said that once, he and my Aunt Judy went to dinner at my mom's house. She was just 5 years old. She hid in the closet. My Nana made her come out and eat dinner. But, she didn't want to see the people, so she sat backwards on the chair.

Yes, I am my mother's child.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

The view is better up here.

What a big week I've had! First I rolled over, and now I can sit all by myself! I love sitting, because I can see all around. I really like looking at my dog. Here is a picture of my trying to get my dog to come say hi to me. He never came though...I think he is afraid I will pull his fur again and try to eat his soft ear. Just wait til I can crawl. Then I'll get him!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The World Went Upside Down!

Today the world went upside down. There I was laying on my tummy, looking at my stuffed puppy when wham - all of a sudden everything was upside down and I was on my back. I was so surprised. Then, Mommy started clapping and cheering for me. She ran into the bathroom and yelled "She did it - she rolled over!" Daddy said, "Really!" I must have done something pretty cool. She put me back on my tummy and wanted me to show Daddy. Instead, I buried my face into the floor and started crying.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

What's with the tree?

See the trees in this picture? Now we have one just like it in the house! Well, maybe it's not as big, and it doesn't have snow on it. The tree was delivered to us by giant white horses dragging a carriage behind them. The horses kind of look like my dog, but they are a lot bigger, and a different color. OK, I guess they don't really look like my dog after all. I just have to wonder though, how those horses made those big trees into small trees and brought them all the way from Mt. Hood to our house!

Anyway, I like the tree. Maverick likes the tree too. I think that's because he is betting his kibble on a squirrel living in the tree.

I like the tree not because of squirrels, but because Mommy decorated it with lights and beads, and ornaments. Mommy says it's a Christmas tree. I don't know what Christmas is, but so far I can tell it means that we go shopping, sing songs, and I get to eat lots of colorful paper and ribbons. Oh, and it means that Daddy takes lots of pictures of me. Here is one in my new dress with my big present!