Chloe's Blog

Saturday, July 30, 2005

One Month Old

I am one month old now. Time sure does fly! It has been a busy month. I met my cousin Erika, Aunt Tavi and Granny Carolyn. Granny Carolyn stayed for three weeks, and played in the yard a lot. Mommy and Daddy are so happy that the weeds are gone and there are new flowers in their place! I also met lots of neighbors and friends of Mommy and Daddy. I am not sure how to remember them all.

I am growing a lot. My Daddy weighed me the other day and the scale said I was more than 11 lbs! I am getting really good at lifting my head and moving it from one side to the other. I am also good at sharing. Maverick the big black dog likes to play with my toys, especially the colorful and noisy caterpillar. He brings it to Daddy when he gets home from work every day. I like Maverick, and I think he likes me too. He licks my face sometimes when I am sleeping. Mommy doesn't like that very much because it wakes me up, but I think it's funny.

I've been lots of places this month too. Mommy takes me on walks when it isn't too hot out, and we go to the farmer's market and the park. I've also been to the mall, Lush, and out to dinner. We even went to the wineries last weekend. Mommy and I stayed outside because everytime we stopped I was hungry. But Daddy and Granny Carolyn got to taste lots of yummy wine. Well, they said it was yummy. Mommy said I couldn't try any yet because I am too little.

Well, I am off to take a nap now. We are going to go to a picnic today, and Mommy and Daddy want me to rest up.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

One week old

It's been a big week for me. One week ago today I was born. Mommy and Daddy were surprised because they thought I was going to be a boy. The doctor asked Daddy whether I was a boy or a girl. I am not sure why the doctor didn’t know, but when Daddy said I looked like a girl, the doctor made a joke about Daddy knowing his anatomy. We only stayed in the hospital for a couple of days, and then I got to go home and meet my big black pet dog. He barks loud and his name is Maverick. I am glad that Mommy and Daddy didn’t name me Maverick. I like my new home. Mommy is nice because she feeds me a lot and she cuddles with me when I don’t want to sleep in my bassinet at night. Daddy is really cool. He likes to take lots of pictures and video of me. He also rocks with me and reads books. He tried to take a nap with me in the hammock, but I am not sure I like the hammock all that much. Later this week, I am going to meet some more family. Aunt Tavi and my cousin Erika will be here on Friday, and Grandma Carolyn will be here on Saturday. I am excited to meet them.