Chloe's Blog

Friday, December 30, 2005

6 months old!

I am six months old. It's been a big week for me! First Santa came, and then my grandparents came. I am having so much fun chatting with my Grannie and listening to my Grandpa make funny noises! We've been going for walks, and playing with my toys. Grannie even helped Mommy to pick out a new toy box for me.

Yesterday, I had my six month visit with my doctor. I am in the 80% for weight, and the 90% for height. Then, today, we went to see the allergist. We found out that I am very allergic to milk, which we already new. The good news is that I am not allergic to soy, wheat, peanuts, egg, rice, avacado or banana. I am so excited to start trying new things. Especially since I have a really nice new high chair, and so far, I have only been able to sit in it and watch other people eat! That is really not fair.

I also had my first cold this week. My ears and nose are stuffy. I really don't understand one thing though -- does anyone know why they call it a cold when it makes you feel hot?


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