Chloe's Blog

Sunday, September 18, 2005

My First Race

Today I participated in my first race! Mommy, Daddy and I walked Race for the Cure. Well, Mommy and Daddy walked. I rode in the Bjorn. I've been training, learning how to ride in the Bjorn while Mommy walks for a long time. It's really hard for me, and I get so tired that I usually fall asleep. I slept for the whole race today!

There were 45,000 people there this morning. It's the largest Race for the Cure event on the west coast! It was so much fun. There were lots of people wearing pink shirts, which meant they had survived breast cancer. Mommy likes this race because it's so inspiring to see all the survivors. I hope that a cure is found during my lifetime. In the meantime, we will continue to support the race. Mommy says we'll do it every year, and that next year, I might get to ride on Daddy's shoulders!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Baby Shower

Today I went to a baby shower for Mommy's friend Sherri. Mommy says there is a baby boy in Sherri's tummy, and that he will come out and play with me in another month or so. Mommy must be going crazy because tummies are for milk, not babies. Sherri got to open lots of presents. Almost all of the packages had bath stuff, like my soft towels, and washcloths. I kept waiting for the shower to start, because I love bathtime. But, even though there were a lot of towels, washcloths and bath toys, there was no water. I got tired waiting, and I just fell asleep on Mommy.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

My New Friend

I have a new friend. Her name is Rose. Grannie Carolyn planted roses in the garden when she was here. This is not the same kind of Rose. This kind of Rose doesn't have any thorns. She talks to me and plays with me. Maverick is jealous of my Rose. He kept laying right next to her and nuzzling up to her with his big head. Maverick usually likes to chew on the kind of Rose that has thorns. I am glad he didn't chew on my Rose. Mommy said that my Rose is also called a nanny, and is going to play with me four times a week! She must like me a lot.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Visitors, Shopping and Shots, Oh My!

It's been a couple of weeks since I last wrote. I have been busy. Very busy.

Mommy's friend Shelley came to visit last week and we went shopping for a long time - 5 hours long, which is almost as long as I sleep at night. We went all over town to stores that Mommy says I will love when I am older.

That same day, Daddy hung out with me while Mommy went to dinner with her friends. I had a minor melt down when Daddy tried to feed me, but we had a chat and I pulled it together so that I could help Daddy to "make it look easy" when Mommy came home with her friends. He was holding me and watering the plants out front and Maverick was hanging out with us too. Mommy's friends said he was such a great dad! They're right.

Then, this weekend, I met my Nana. She came all the way across the country to meet me. She was really nice, and liked to cuddle with me. I showed her how much I like to walk, rock and bounce on the exercise ball. Mommy and I went shopping with Nana. Boy, Mommy sure likes to shop. I mean, really likes to shop.

I also had my two month check up this week. I am 14 lbs now, which is the 100th percentile, and I am two feet tall, which is the 95th percentile. I had to get shots at the doctor. Four of them. Ouch - that hurt. But Daddy held my hand, and then picked me up right when it was over. I stopped crying to show them what a big girl I am.

This weekend is labor day weekend. Mommy says labor is hard, but it has nothing to do with this weekend. But, it does mean that Daddy will be home for 3 whole days in a row. I am so excited!