Chloe's Blog

Thursday, July 13, 2006

About My Summer Vacation

Recently, mommy and daddy took a week off work, and my grandparents came to visit. We had a lot of fun. I love my grandparents. Grannie and Grandpa both got on the floor with me to play with my toys. Grannie played hide and seek with me, and Grandpa helped me play in my swimming pool with plastic balls. We had so much fun.

While they were here, we went to the children's museum. Here is a picture of mommy and me playing an instrument.

The children's museum is fun - especially the part where you can play in the water, and crawl through tunnels.

After grannie and grandpa had to go home, I was sad. I wish they could have stayed. Mommy and daddy tried to make me feel better by taking me to the zoo. I liked the zoo a lot. My favorite part was the ducks which aren't really ducks, but penguins. I laughed and laughed at the penguins.

My other favorite part was feeding the birds. These birds were really pretty, but you couldn't stand behind them or they would poop on you. Someone should make bird diapers, because not all people know not to stand behind them. Mommies don't even know. In fact, one bird tried to get mommy's foot, but the poop missed its target. Thank goodness for mommy.

I also so an elephant, and lots of monkeys. I like monkeys. I can even talk to monkeys...oo oo oo oo oo oo oo. I am good at that.


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