Chloe's Blog

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy Birthday to me!

Today Mommy and Daddy had a birthday party for me. Don't tell anyone, but I think they were confused because my birthday isn't for another 4 days. They hung up balloons and streamers on the ceiling. That was a silly thing to do -- How am I supposed to play with them when they are all the way up there? They got clay for my friends to make handprints, and filled a pool with balls to play in. Everyone had so much fun!

I got to wear a really pretty dress. Everyone said I looked like a princess. I crawled up to all my friends and talked to them, and showed them how to play with the legos and balls. Then we got to have cake. Here is a picture of me by the cake that everyone else got to eat.

I had my very own cake made out of rice and applesauce. Here is a picture of it. Mommy tried to light the cake on fire, and then everyone sang to me. Silly people singing while my cake's about to go up in flames! I was getting really nervous about that, but then mommy and daddy blew it out. Thank goodness, because I wanted to eat that cake.

Everyone is so nice. They all brought me presents. I wanted to open them, but mommy and daddy said I had to wait until my real birthday. Ho hum.


  • At 6:57 AM, Blogger snoopy said…

    Happy Birthday! Chloe, you crack me up with your blog. Miss you and your Mommy and Daddy.

  • At 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy Birthday Chloe! It looks like you had a fun party.


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